Monteaco @ Prague Tea Fest
Last week we headed out from our office in Stockholm to Prague to attend the Prague Tea Fest and give a lecture about our work with Forest Friendly Tea in Northern Thailand!
It was great meeting so many knowledgeable tea lovers who expressed deep interest in our work and especially our story of the fermented tea made for eating called "hmiang" that is unique to the area around Northern Thailand.
During the stay in Prague we had the chance to meet some customers as well, and of course we had to enjoy a cup of our tea Dhara White at Dobra Tea House located in the heart Prague.
We can't wait for next year's tea fest and hopefully we will see you all soon either at our showroom in Stockholm or another tea festival in Europe!

The beautiful shelf with boxes full of tea at Dobra Tea House

Dobra Tea House highlighting our tea Dhara White as one of the most important teas in their collection. We are happy to have a great partner in Dobra Tea House serving tea from Thailand to customers across the world.

Tea time with the Identitea team from Italy at Dobra Tea House. Soon you can find a selection of our pure teas on their platform in Italy.